Embarking on the accreditation journey is a strategic decision for a school. The journey itself calls for a strategy to ensure the best possible experience and the highest quality outcomes. This is true whether for a first accreditation or a reaccreditation.
There are two levels to an accreditation strategy. The first is related to a school’s own strategic direction and goals. An accreditation must be integrated into this area of thinking and planning as it is a project with widespread impact and one that must be understood and carried in all parts of the institution. Driving the accreditation strategy at this level are fundamental questions such as:
- How does this align with the broader goals we have set for the institution?
- What will we look like on the other side of the accreditation?
- What are the short, medium and long-term learnings and benefits that we will reap from this?
The second level, far more operational, will define how to roll-out the process and how to extract the greatest added value at each stage. If the strategy simply focuses on the prize – the obtaining of a label, the vastly rich experience and learnings that come from a well-thought and well-choreographed process will be lost along the way. However, if the strategy pays careful attention to all dimensions of the journey, ranging from resourcing to buy-in to embedding continuous improvement sustainably in a school, its capacity to carry a school towards the best version of itself is unlimited.
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About the speaker
A member of the Grenoble Ecole de Management Executive Committee, Julie Perrin-Halot is the Associate Dean/Director of Quality, Strategy and International Development.
She has been active in the fields of strategy and quality management in higher education through a variety of project work helping institutions to put strategic management, quality assurance and academic processes into place. She is active as a mentor for AACSB, is a board member for EFMD’s EQUAL (European Quality Link), is a facilitator and mentor for the EFDM Quality Assurance Academy, and serves as a peer review team member for EPAS and AMBA.
She has published articles in areas such as internationalization, the future of business education, emerging models for business schools, the impact of accreditation, the social responsibility of business schools and managing collaborative provision.