Given the recent move to providing online learning, or some might say, a race that has been accelerated by Covid19, student engagement has again been raised as a key objective to assist learners achieve their desired learning outcomes. By Kim Watty Professor Emeritus...
3rd edition: Re-thinking learning
A lot has been written recently about how traditional leadership is being challenged both by the technological disruption as well as by the pandemic that has accelerated a lot of the changes. Organisations have had to adapt, and the human factor in leadership has become key in this transition towards more sustainable organisations that are run with a sense of purpose.
By Griet Houbrechts
Director, Professional Development
EFMD Global
Business schools prepare future leaders, and the changes in society require them to rethink the ways they are meeting the expectations of students, participants and organisations. This edition of the Knowledge Bar brings some concrete examples of how business schools are implementing this.
Internationalisation is one area that helps participants grow, embrace diversity and innovate. In the current particular context, it is important to share best practices on how we can transform the ways in which we provide that international experience to our students.
A clear vision and strategic choices regarding research with impact as well as pedagogy are two necessary cornerstones to ensure effective learning. But in order for learners to achieve this, curricula need to be re-designed to engage learners throughout their education. Although engagement is key in any context, in the past year, this has often become more challenging.
Many business school faculty and staff have acquired new skills during the past twelve months that have become assets to the school. Still, academic institutions need to focus on (re)training some of their educators to reinforce the learner-centered approach.
A lot of the ways schools were organising their activities have been challenged, but this edition invites us to rethink so that we can continue to prepare leaders that are ready to tackle the big challenges of our society.
Meeting more and more demanding participants’ expectations: A holistic and systematic learning approach
Nowadays, meeting more and more demanding participants’ expectations in the higher education sector requires a holistic and systematic approach, including both learning processes based on research-led teaching strategy and effective processes in assurance quality. As...
Global Field Consulting Trips – Action-Based Learning that works!
We are living in transitioning times. Authoritarian rulers, COVID-19 pandemic, political uncertainty and changes have affected internationalization in higher education a lot. By Zoe Kourounakou Director International Office Alba Graduate Business School LinkedIn...