For many institutions, accreditations prove to be a real burden associated with bureaucratic, time-consuming tasks and a very costly investment. As for any strategic project, costs are part of the deal. Direct costs (budget) and indirect ones (time) are inevitable to make it a success. However, it would be underestimating the leverage of accreditations to think that obtaining them consists only in investing a lot of money for a short-term reward.
Accreditations rhyme with “value creation”. Indeed, they act as quality instruments and offer a balanced assessment of the institution’s strengths and improvement opportunities. Value is created within the institution itself but also through its international outreach. Once the accreditations are granted, it then becomes fundamental to implement strategies for long-term improvement rather than only targeting short-term goals.
This webinar mainly aims at showing how the benefits outweigh the necessary costs induced by the accreditation process. For that reason, we will not only focus on legitimacy benefits but also on performance ones. Embracing quality as a habit and increasing performance at the same time guarantee a sustainable development.
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About the speakers
Manuela Brusoni is Associate Professor of Practice of Government, Health and Not for Profit at SDA Bocconi School of Management. In this role she launched and was Director of various Executive Education Programs in the field of Public Procurement and Business Government Relations.
At SDA Bocconi, she is Director of Quality Accreditation and Benchmarking. She was project leader for the first SDA Bocconi EQUIS accreditation (1998), among the first pilot group of Schools of Management, and now leads all the international and national accreditation processes, including EQUIS, AACSB, AMBA, ASFOR and manages other certifications and memberships of the School.
At Bocconi University she is member of the Quality Assurance Unit. She is Chair of the Accreditation Commission of ASFOR, the Italian Association for Management Education and Member of the Board, member of the Academic Board of ABIS (the Academy of Business in Society) and system evaluator for ANVUR, the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes.
In her contribution to society, she was President of the Central Procurement Society of Lombardy Region (2014-2019). In her contribution to the management education community, she has been Chair Elected of various Committees of the Academy of Management (such as Chair Elected of the Management Education Division, Chair Elected of the Best Article Committee of the Public Non Profit Division, Best Reviewer Award Health Care Management Division and MED).
Currently, she has deepened numerous topics linked with her previous research, including public administration role and responsibilities for innovation and sustainability and institutional models and competencies development for public procurement, and is the author of numerous books and articles on her field of research, teaching and consulting.
Christina Green, Division Director for Quality Management, TUM School of Management, Germany Christina Green has been Director for Quality Management at TUM School of Management since 2012 with the responsibility of managing the AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS accreditations. Before this, she held various academic and administrative positions at German and US business schools. She has a degree in management from the University of Applied Science in Ingolstadt, Germany, an MBA from the University of Missouri in Kansas City, USA, and a doctoral degree from the Catholic University of Ingolstadt, Germany. Christina Green received awards for her academic and professional work, e.g. best dissertation or an award for her contribution to receiving the accreditations at TUM School of Management.
Claire Thouary founded QACE UP in June 2017 with more than 10 years of experience in quality management (10 years in Higher Education and a couple of years in the Medical Industry). QACE UP came up with a strong will to assist business schools and universities in their quest for excellence in a constant evolving landscape.
Claire Thouary worked as Quality and Accreditations Director at emlyon business school to manage both national and international accreditations. She also managed a team within the executive education offer (customized programmes). Her expertise was also appreciated within the Faculty management team in the recruitment processes and data analysis.
She graduated from the University Lyon III with a Master’s degree and is currently attending an MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at HEC Paris.